Sign in if you are a PrimeTel subscriber

By using this service you agree to the Terms and Conditions of PrimeTel WiFi
The username and password is included in the Welcome letter that was given to you during your PrimeTel installation. If you don't remember it you must call 133 and talk to a customer service agent.

Exclusively for our PrimeTel Mobile subscribers: PrimeTel WiFi PIN’s now available via SMS! If you want to connect to the Internet via your mobile phone or laptop using WiFi you can now purchase PrimeTel WiFi pins via SMS. It’s simple all you need to do is text WIFI and the number of hours of PrimeTel WiFi service you require to 8133. For example if you want to access the Internet for 5 hours using WiFi the text WIFI5 to 8133. Your PIN will be sent back to you via SMS